• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 129 Trailer Translation

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil

    Lokman: "Hurichihan Sultan, she has fallen onto the ground in the middle of the stone courtyard, it is obvious her condition is not good at all."
    Selim: "You don't have anything to do with this matter do you? What did you do?!"
    Beyazid: "Whoever owns this earring, is the one who put Huricihan in this condition."
    Suleyman: "Every stone will be overturned, and you will bring whichever traitor has done this to my niece."
    Nurbanu: "If they find out the truth, they won't let me live."
    Beyazid: "Hurichihan, who did this to you?"
    Hurrem: "You will pay for your life for this mistake!"
    Nurbanu: "If you expose me, I will tell everything that you have done!"

    Fahriyie: "What are we waiting for Sultanim, order me, let us crush her skull. Her time is up... Hurrem Sultan has the intention to get rid of her. "

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