• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 123 Trailer 2

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil

    Hatice's lullaby

    Little Mustafa: "You won't kill me right, father?"

    Suleyman: 'Mustafa?"

    Mihrunissa: "You are going to come back, you are not going to leave us. Promise me!"

    Hurrem: "I saw everything in our Hunkar's gaze..."

    Sumbul: "What did you see Sultanim, what did you see in his gaze?"

    Hurrem: 'Shehzade Mustafa's death."

    Mehmet: "Come back quick father."

    Mahidevran: 'Look after yourself and be careful. You are the most precious thing for me in this whole world. If something happens to you I cannot live."

    Beyazid: 'Do whatever you need to, to protect our brother from our Hunkar's wrath."

    Cihangir: "If necessary, I will be a shield in front of my brother."

    Cihangir: "Are you going to order his death? I said that this will be impossible.  My father would not this, I said. He would not kill his son I said."

    Suleyman: "Would I ever do that?"

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