• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 121 Trailer 3

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil


    Sokullu: "Stand back! The Regent of the Dominions Shehzade Selim Hazretleri stands in front of you!"

    Rustem: "The waters have intensely heated up, Zal. The graves have been dug. Either we will be going inside, or Shehzade Mustafa will."

    Mihrimah: "They are calling you Future Sultan, and you remain silent, as it makes you happy to hear this!"

    Rustem: "The ship's rudder is now in Shehzade Mustafa's hands! He will ascend to the throne as if he was pulling a hair from butter."

    Mahidevran: "My only wish for you is to die peacefully!"

    Rustem: "I am saving this for myself, for when the executioners start knocking on my door. Hurrem Sultan also carries it, for her, and for our Shehzades."

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