• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 98 Preview

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil

    Everybody gets shocked when they find out that Mihrimah accepts to get married to Rustem. Mahidevran sees Rustem as a threat to Mustafa, so she tries her best to prevent the marriage. Mihrimah starts to regret the choice she has made. As Rustem is dreaming about the power he is going to be wielding, he is hit with a big blow! The rumour that he has been infected with leprosy reach Suleyman.

    Sheikh Mashuki resurfaces and he is tried in a court and sentenced to death. Mihrimah seeks revenge from Malkocoglu, who does not want to return her feelings of love. Hurrem starts an attack against Shah Sultan. When Shah Sultan finds out about her husband's infidelity, she is furious! As Rustem intelligently saves himself from Mahidevran's game, he falls straight into Shah Sultan's trap.

    The news of Mihrimah's marriage to Rustem reaches the palace like a bomb explosion. The day Rustem has been dreaming about arrives. He divorces Nigar without any hesitation. Even though Mihrimah made this decision when she was angry, the arrow has already left its bow (it is too late)!

    The power that Rustem will receive as a damat (groom) scares everyone, especially Mahidevran. To stop the marriage, Mahidevran sends word to Suleyman that Rustem has leprosy. Suleyman stops all of the wedding plans.

    Malkocoglu continues his relationship with Silvia. But he is struck with surprise when he comes face to face with Mihrimah's game. At the same time, Sheikh Mashuki, who has returned to Istanbul with 12 of his followers are tried in a court and are sentenced to death.

    Hurrem is enthusiastically trying to wreck Shah Sultan's relationship with Lutfi Pasha. She throws the cariye that she sent to Lutfi Pasha in front of Shah Sultan. When Shah Sultan finds out about her husband's infidelity, she is extremely furious!

    As Rustem is planning for his promotion, and avoiding all of the traps laid out for him one by one, he is unaware of the assassination attempt that Shah Sultan has setup against him.

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